Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Local Government

Please add one idea per post.


Ben said...

The positions of mayor and city council persons should be paid positions. Maybe with pay, we could also ask more of our elected officials. Actually, I would like to see these positions as full time paid positions. We need our elected officials to put the priority on Enid, not their other job. Enid is dying and someone has to put the city before themselves. Maybe if the positions required full time comitment, we would have candidates that really care about Enid and would work to make it better.

Anonymous said...

Packy, I totally agree. It's absurd that the mayor position isn't a paid one. I guess I don't know much about government, but I had no idea that mayor was an unpaid position. Is it this way in other towns the size of Enid?

Anonymous said...

Good post.